Biology Quiz Set 01

SET 01

SET 01


  • Total Questions : 50
  • Total Marks : 100
  • Mark Deduction : 0.5
Question No.1
Bile juice is stored in which of the following organ
Correct Answer :  C

Bile is a fluid that is made and released by the liver and stored in the "gallbladder". Bile helps with digestion.

It breaks down fats into fatty acids, which can be taken into the body by the digestive tract.

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Question No.2
Which of the following converts carbohydrates into Maltose sugar
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.3
Which organ has finger-like outgrowths which are called as Villi(Singular Villus)?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.4
What is the nature of Human Saliva?
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.5
What are the main parts of the Endocrine system?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.6
Which of the following is the neural control centre for all endocrine systems in vertebrates?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.7
Which of the following glands is not a part of the human endocrine system?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.8
What is the function of the hormone of the endocrine system?
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.9
Endocrine glands secrete the hormones in___________
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.10
Which is the largest endocrine gland?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.11
Which of the following is not an Endocrine gland?
Correct Answer :  D

Endocrine glands are ductless glands of the endocrine system that secrete their products, hormones, directly into the blood. The major glands of the endocrine system include the pineal gland, pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus and adrenal glands.

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Question No.12
Asexual reproduction differs from sexual reproduction because in asexual reproduction____________
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.13
Which of the following statements is true regarding female reproductive system?
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.14
Which of the following statements is false regarding the male reproductive system?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.15
Which of the following is not a part of the female reproductive system in plants?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.16
The Male reproductive system, the testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called______
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.17
Who discovered Blood Circulatory System?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.18
Animals having open circulatory system possesses_______
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.19
Cytokinin Performs which of the following functions?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.20
_____ are the group of chemical that influence cell division and shoot formation.
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.21
The Estimation of the age of woody plant by counting the annual rings is called_____
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.22
In fruits, Ethylene is produced from_______
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.23
Which of the following plant hormone is synthesized from an amino acid precursor?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.24
Which plant hormones help in stems elongation?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.25
Which of the following hormones is not found in Plants?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.26
Which of the following Hormone helps in flowering in plants?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.27
Which of the following is an anti-growth hormone in plants?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.28
The sum of genes in a population is called_________
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.29
Which veins brings clean blood from the lungs to the heart?
Correct Answer : 
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Question No.30
The saliva in Human beings contains which Enzyme?
Correct Answer :  B

  The salivary gland and pancreas make amylase (alpha amylase) to hydrolyse dietary starch into disaccharides and trisaccharides which are converted by other enzymes to glucose to supply the body with energy.

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Question No.31
Plants that provide commercially important products like food, fodder, fuel, medicines are classified as_________
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.32
What is the full form of pH?
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.33
Typhoid fever is caused by_____
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.34
What is the average weight of the heart in Men?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.35
The cell theory is not applicable to__________.
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.36
Sea anemone has which type of symmetry?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.37
Which of the following has an open vascular system?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.38
Alfa-toxins are produced by_________
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.39
Pink mould is Common name for________
Correct Answer :  D


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Question No.40
Iodine test is used to detect_____
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.41
Which of the following cancer occurs in the bone marrow and creates blood cells?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.42
The science of Dactylography is commonly known as______
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.43
Blood is _________
Correct Answer :  A
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Question No.44
How many chambers does a mammalian heart have?
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.45
Branch of biology which deals with extinct organisms is called_____
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.46
Rheumatoid Arthritis is the disease of _________
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.47
Antiviral drug Lamivudine is used for the treatment of which disease?
Correct Answer :  B
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Question No.48
Vitamin E is good for _____
Correct Answer :  D
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Question No.49
Who discovered the nucleic acids?
Correct Answer :  C
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Question No.50
Eustachian Tube is located in which part of the human body?
Correct Answer :  D
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